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Séminaire, Relever dans l’être. Une éthique du soin par le corps (é)mu

28/10/2022 à 10:00 - 17:00

|évènement récurrent (Voir toutes les dates)

Un événement le 17/11/2022 à 18:00

Un événement le 20/01/2023 à 10:00

Attention, compte tenu de la grève, la séance du 20 janvier 2023 de 10h à 12h est en visio zoom uniquement (et non plus à la MSH Paris Nord).

Séminaire de recherche international sur la façon dont la phénoménologie de la danse peut enrichir les pratiques de soin et l’éthique à partir du vécu corporel même.

Merleau-Ponty a souligné combien le corps est le lieu de naissance du sens et de la communication. Tout en manifestant qui nous sommes, notre corps nous connecte en effet au corps-vécu d’autrui. Il est l’interface entre ce que nous vivons et le monde, en même temps qu’il témoigne de ce vécu.

C’est dans ce contexte que prend sens l’assertion de Maurice Hamington, selon laquelle le soin/care relie la capacité éthique à l’expérience vécue d’un corps en mouvement : « tout soin repose fondamentalement sur une compétence d’improvisation motrice ». Le mouvement nous permet d’explorer les frontières du soin, dans tout ce qu’il présente d’ambiguïté, comme souci d’autrui, écoute attentive et mise en œuvre aussi juste que possible.

Cette série de séminaires invite praticiens et universitaires à une conversation phénoménologique, afin d’examiner comment le mouvement du corps nous relie à l’attention portée à l’autre. S’appuyant sur l’éthique des soins, les pratiques corporelles mobilisées dans la prise en charge des traumatismes, le théâtre, la danse et les disciplines du mouvement, ce séminaire explorera la façon dont le corps en mouvement facilite une appréhension phénoménologique du soin.

La page est destinée principalement à la publication d’informations relatives au séminaire. Il permettra de mettre à jour les informations en temps réel et de les centraliser.

Movement & Bodies: An Improvisation of Care

Merleau-Ponty famously writes that the body acts as a site of meaning and communication. Insofar as the body expresses the individual self, it also connects us to the living body of the other. It is the lived face and interface of our existence in the world. In the words of Maurice Hamington, ‘all care is ultimately improvisational’ (2020, p. 21). Care connects the imaginative act of ethics to the lived experience of a body in movement. In the ambiguity of the term ‘care’, movement enables us to explore its liminality, as burdened concern and attuned enactment.

This seminar series invites practitioners and academics into phenomenological conversation, to consider how the movement of the body connects us to a care for the other. Drawing on the ethics of care, trauma-informed body-based practices, drama, dance and movement disciplines, this series will explore how the body in motion facilitates the phenomenological relation of care. 


28 octobre 2022
10h, heure de Paris
9 am London time

Journée d’étude dans le cadre du mois du care organisé avec le LEGS, université Paris 8/Caroline Ibos

• Key speakers: Maurice Hamington (USA, Portland), Alexandra Endaltseva (Russia/Toulouse/EHESS), Christine Leroy (Paris I/Paris 8), Anna Westin (Canada/GB: St Mary’s University), Camille Buttigsrud (Denmark, Copenhague), Louis Klee (Australia/GB : Cambridge), James Rakoczi (GB: London, King’s College), Veronica Cohen (Lisbonne)
Morning: Discussion supervised by Anna Westin

Speech 1: 10-11 a.m.
Maurice Hamington – Professor of Philosophy, Portland University
Caring Bodies in Motion

Slowly but steadily, performance philosophy is embracing the moral framework of an ethics of care. Published works on the aesthetics of care are on the rise. The care aesthetic is something that we all can, and have participated in as embodied beings. Caring bodies are in motion, even when the action consists of attentively listening to someone. However, the embodied nature of care remains a vastly undervalued resource in a world that respects the cognitive over the corporeal. Specifically, acknowledging, valuing, reflecting upon, and habituating the body’s role in care can bring about richer care and compassion as well as a more caring society. The radical promise of care ethics can be unlocked by an aesthetic turn that offers much more than adjudicating moral dilemmas as traditional ethical approaches do. Instead, care and its aesthetic describe a way of being and knowing the world with significant moral implications.

This presentation begins by offering a performative theory of embodied care. In the spirit of Merleau-Ponty, this theory traverses the mind/body dichotomy to suggest that care is a performance of habits with intertwined corporeal and cognitive elements. It can be described as a performative theory because we are embodied beings who exist as both subject and object—we perform for others and ourselves. Accordingly, the presentation suggests that dance can be a powerful means for inhabiting and expressing care for the audience and the dancers. Iterations of caring actions are captured by our mind/body and dwelled upon. Such performances have the potential to be habituated not just as a rehearsed of movements but also as improvisational skills. Our moral imagination allows such skills to be mapped to new and dynamic circumstances. Few of us will become proficient dancers. However, we all can learn lessons of intimacy, vulnerability, and the recognition of physical cues from dance. These skills can foster our ability to care in rich and meaningful ways.

Speech 2: 11am-12am
Alexandra Endaltseva – Postdoc in socio-anthropology of food, CERTOP, Toulouse (with Anne DUPUY, CERTOP CNRS/ISTHIA, Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès)
Choreographies of good salting: Towards situated ethics of care in food practices

Grounding myself in the empirical data of everyday salting practices, I wonder how the politics and ethics of care work can be retranslated through an eating body – a body in motion for “good eating”, tinkering with fluctuating life rhythms, desires, pleasures, health obligations, and work paces. By empiricizing salt consumption within the context of everyday life, I challenge “medicalised ethics” of eating which feeds public health campaigns for salt reduction (“eat less fat, less sweet, less salty”), and not only. I challenge a universal and moral figure of a good eater – that which follows steadily the promoted healthy eating, who integrates nutritional norms in a consistent manner, without moving away from them in search for food pleasures. Instead, I retrace the choreographies of food work of care performed by eaters – shopping, planning, cleaning, taking care of, creating special occasions, loving, and improvising with what is available. I thus draw an empirical and situated figure of an “eater good enough”, engaged in a continuous oscillating work between care and neglect, in order to eat “as well as it is possible”. I claim this figure to be at the center of a situated ethics of care in food practices, moving through multiple vulnerabilities that food modernity brings around.

Speech 3: 12am-1pm
Christine Leroy – Researcher and teacher in Philosophy/Phenomenology, Paris I and Paris 8 University
Dance-contact improvisation, gravity and the lived body boundaries

In this paper, I shall talk about the process and the results of clinical experimentation with teenagers suffering from anorexia, through a phenomenological perspective on their lived body boundaries. They often feel neither limited nor defined, overflowing, even in dilation beyond themselves. This experimentation consisted of dance-contact improvisation workshops; with the aim of evaluating if this practice can improve their feeling of being individuated and reduce their disorder in the relation to others as to their own body.
After explicating the theoretical fundamentals (phenomenology, psychomotricity) of my investigation, I shall explain the elaboration and then implementation process of the workshop research. I shall finally analyze the data collected to date, both via psychological questionnaires and (micro)phenomenological interviews.
My aim is to highlight the way in which a phenomenological apprehension of the body experienced in dance-contact improvisation as well as its gravity can contribute to clinical research on such psychological pathologies played out on the somatic terrain.

Afternoon – Discussion supervised by James Rakoczi
Speech 1: Camille Buttigsrud (Copenhague – Denmark)
Listening to the body

Through the everyday care of their instruments – themselves as bodily subjects – many dancers develop a subtle ability to register and understand bodily signs, feelings, and reactions. This happens not only in themselves but also in their surroundings.
Addressing this form of bodily communication academically seems to open new doors in our understanding of the bodily. Could the knowledge of professional dancers, dance- and body therapists, and dance teachers, be useful in a broader care context?
This presentation shares the findings of an investigation on bodily listening or registering, bodily communication, and bodily caretaking – found in dancers’ work on affection and body memory during rehearsals, in performance situations, and in therapeutical settings.
The research is based on qualitative interviews with dancers as well as therapists, on philosophical theories on body memory (Fuchs, Casey, Trakas, Rowlands), on the phenomenological framework on subjective consciousness and the living body (Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, Zahavi, Colombetti), and on inspirational sources such as theatre theory (Stanislavski, Strasberg), and dance philosophy (Sheets-Johnstone, Foultier, Bresnahan).

Speech 2: Veronica Cohen – University of Buenos Aires /University of Lisbon
How to dance an Other

In this paper, I am interested in understanding how the process of mimesis of an Other is produced through dance practice. I depart from an experience of teaching dance to 12 medical students at Columbia University’s Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons. The practitioners were asked to dance their patients’ emotions. The article describing the workshop (“Observing the World as Dancers Do. Teaching Dance to Medical Students”) emphasizes how this practice had many beneficial effects on understanding their patients and thus improving the healing process. What is not clear in the description of this experience and what I consider has great importance for various fields, i.e. dance, dance applications, phenomenology, is how to dance an Other, which involves the following questions: how is the experience of becoming an Other by dancing?; how does an otherness appear in my body?; how does my “I” as a differentiated and unique individual produce a kind of shift that allows an Other, strange thing to appear?
In the process of mimesis, several problems arise, both philosophical and practical. Firstly, I will address how mimesis queries the Cartesian body/soul dualism. Here, I will set this in relation to “The Purloined Letter”, a Poe short story. Secondly, how is mimesis performed as a copy? This question will confront me with whether there are or not kinesthetic metaphors in these copies. And finally, I will take into account the always creative quality of mimesis to try to answer what, but mainly, how we learn in these situations.

Speech 3: Louis Klee (Cambridge) (sous réserve)
Speech 4: James Rakoczi (sous réserve)

17 novembre 2022
18h, heure de Paris
5 pm London time
9 am San Francisco time

Avec Bettina Bergo – About Anxiety: A Philosophical History

This presentation explores some of the challenges that philosophies of affect (and emotion) confront: empiricism versus theorization (including “transcendental” logics); the matter of naming emotions; the (unresolved/unresolvable) debate about the relationship between physical expression and felt affects — and the ‘universal’ legibility of so-called “basic affects.” After discussing these as they arise in my study, Anxiety: A Philosophical History (2021),I turn to the book’s epilogue, which concerns the thorny question of crowd formation and crowd affects (G. LeBon, Freud, F. Neumann; H. Broch), in contrast to crowd organization and crowd intelligence (in S. Reicher’s social psychology).

20 janvier 2023
de 10h à 12h, à la MSH Paris Nord, salle panoramique, 4e étage

Attention, compte tenu de la grève, évènement en visio zoom.

Intervention de Christine Leroy
Researcher and teacher in Philosophy/Phenomenology, Paris I and Paris 8 University
Phenomenology, Contact Improvisation, and Clinics: Lived Bodily Boundaries

In this paper, I shall talk about the process and the results of an ongoing Dance-Contact Improvisation clinical experimentation with teenagers suffering from anorexia, through a phenomenological perspective on their lived bodily boundaries. These teenagers often feel neither limited nor defined, overflowing, even in dilatation beyond themselves. The aim of those of Contact Improvisation dance workshops was to evaluate if such an experience of gravity can improve their feeling of being individuated and reduce their disorder in their relationship to both other people and their own body.
After presenting the theoretical fundamentals (phenomenology, psychomotricity) of my investigation, I shall explain the elaboration and implementation process of the workshop research. Finally, I shall analyze the data collected to date, both via psychological questionnaires and (micro)phenomenological interviews.
My aim is to highlight the way in which a phenomenological apprehension of the body experienced in Contact Improvisation as well as its gravity can contribute to clinical research on such psychological pathologies played out on the somatic terrain.

Intervention de Marie Mazzella Di Bosco
Researcher in anthropology, University Paris X/Nanterre
What is “healing” in the context of “free-form” and “mindful” movement practices like 5 Rhythms Dance or Movement Medicine? An ethnographical and relational approach

While they are not officially considered as therapeutic practices, 5 Rhythms Dance, Movement Medicine and other “Free-form mindful dances” are somehow situated by their participants as a way to “heal oneself”, to “heal the connection” to others and to the world at large, to repair past traumas, physical and psychological blockages, to take care of oneself and others. Through collective and improvised danced movement, amateur dancers take pleasure of course, but also harshly “work” on themselves along a path of personal transformation within a collective ambition.

In this presentation, I will focus on the use and representations, within the movement practice, of a specific body part, namely the “belly”, as a condensed example and exercise for thinking, in order to question this pattern of healing and care mobilized by the dancers. What does it mean concretely and what are the processes leading to this experience. The account is grounded on a four years intensive fieldwork within these practices milieu ; my approach is anchored in anthropology, within a participatory, sensory ethnography and a relational perspective.

Responsables du projet

Christine LEROY, université Paris 8 et institut ACTE/université Paris I
Anna Louise WESTIN, The Bakhita Centre for Research on Slavery, Exploitation and Abuse, St. Mary’s University, Grande-Bretagne

informations pratiques

  • 28 octobre 2022 à 10h
    au centre de colloques du Campus Condorcet et en visio
    En partenariat avec la MSH Paris Nord, le LEGS de Paris 8 et l’Institut du Genre
  • 17 novembre 2022 à 18h
    en distanciel
  • 20 janvier 2023 de 10h à 12h
    en visio Zoom uniquement compte tenu de la grève

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Un projet de recherche qui bénéficie du soutien de la MSH Paris Nord dans le cadre de son appel à projets.

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Date :
Heure :
10:00 - 17:00
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