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Workshop, The European spaces of regulation and capital accumulation at the age of global disturbances (online)

English Workshop, The European spaces of regulation and capital accumulation at the age of global disturbances, Multidisciplinary and comparative perspectives
In a period when the global economy is characterized by an unprecedented level of commodities and capital flows, regional and supranational integration tendencies but also by a persistent uneven development and geopolitical tensions, scholars from various fields of social sciences have increasingly turned their attention to the questions relative to space and institutions. Today the linkages between the institutionalization of social space and socio-economic dynamics return to the international front stage with all their destabilizing power – beyond the current epidemic crisis and the Recovery plan for Europe, suffice it to think of Brexit, the Juncker Plan, trade wars between great powers and the revival of military tensions. The goal of this workshop is precisely to problematize the manifold links, tensions and contradictions that appear between the general logic of accumulation of capital, its uneven socio-economic, institutional and cultural unfolding, and spatial transformations. Hence it pursues a resolutely multidisciplinary agenda and is directed towards all researchers seeking to better understand contemporary international political economy.
Session 1
14:00-16:00. Chair: Manuela Mahecha Alzate
Thomas Lamarche: Beyond autonomy and determinism. A mesoeconomic approach
Louison Cahen-Fourot: Ecologically unequal exchange and uneven development patterns along global value chains
Frédéric Lemaire: Diversity among British, French and German financial systems and regulatory preferences
Session 2
16:15-18:15. Chair: Nicolas Pinsard
Ana Podvršič and Benjamin Bürbaumer: Gramsci and the regulationist theory of the international
Joachim Becker: Disintegration tendencies of a late capitalist empire: the case of the EU
Hans-Jürgen Bieling: The European Union in the age of new geopolitics: the struggle over control of critical infrastructures
Organizing committee
- Benjamin Bürbaumer (Sorbonne Paris Nord University)
- Ana Podvšič (University of Graz)
Workshop, 30 September 2021
Onlien event (MSH Paris Nord)
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https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87386102841?pwd=TjZMWkptNElTMG0wVzA5M1gxQX M5dz09
Meeting ID: 873 8610 2841
Passcode: 390324
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Un projet de recherche qui bénéficie du soutien de la MSH Paris Nord dans le cadre de son appel à projets.
This research project benefits from the support of the MSH Paris Nord in the framework of its call for projects.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 836139