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Workshop, Institutional Building in the Decentralized Territorial
22/03/2019 à 10:00 - 12:00
Institutional Building in the Decentralized Territorial
Policies Approach on Clustering of Creative Industries
The Cases of Île-de-France and Tokyo Metropolitan Area
Dans la continuité des deux premiers workshop cet atelier de comparaison entre Yokohama et Plaine Commune concerne les politiques de développement des clusters de l’industrie créative.
Ce sujet sera présenté par Kulacha Sirikhan, doctorante à l’université de Tokyo travaillant précisément sur ce sujet.
In the last two decades, the number of cities that assigned themselves the mission to become “creative cities” has been increasing. This is closely linked to the rising of creative industries in the growth of the economy and it is a major trend in globalization too. The creative city concept emerged as a new urban model for those cities seeking to enhance their global ranking in the competitive league of global cities.
Paris and Tokyo hold five top positions in the Global Power City Index by The Institute for Urban Strategies of the Mori Memorial Foundation and achieve top ranking in the EY Global Talent in Global Cities 2015 study due to their cultural heritage and assets in high tech. The locus of creative industries is concentrated in big cities especially in the capital in Île-de-France and the Tokyo Metropolitan Area which privileged as global cities for they host a dense network of creative industries (Sassen, 2001). Both cluster strategies are characterized by the decentralization reform through city-region governance with specific purposes implementation. The promotion of decentralized governance allows governance institutions to be more flexible, efficient, and innovative.
In order to understand the functioning of governance institutions in the process of implementing cluster competitiveness, this study focuses on the cases of “Territoire de la culture et de la creation” of Plaine Commune in Île-de-France and “Creative city Yokohama” in Tokyo Metropolitan Area. These two case studies are best practice examples in clustering creative industries in Western and Eastern global cities.
Kulacha Sirikhan is a Ph.D. student at The University of Tokyo and a visiting researcher at FFJ.
Research themes: Creative cluster in emerging economies, creative economy policies in Thailand, Japan and France.
practical information
March 22nd 2019, 10:00 – 12:00
MSH Paris Nord, Room 407
20, av George Sand 93210 Saint Denis la Plaine
This workshop is the third of a series of workshops, organized by the Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS and supported by the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Paris Nord (MSH Paris Nord).
>> January 8th 2019
>>March 5th 2019